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Friday, January 22, 2010

Maria Dixson: Intro Letter

My name is Maria Dixson and although I have traveled the USA every summer, I was born and raised in Oceanside, CA. I attended Magnolia Elementary, Valley Middle School, and completed my freshman year at Carlsbad High School. I decided to transfer to Vista High School for my sophomore to senior year because I wanted a change in scenery. I danced for the Panther Dancers in rallies and football games, loving the school spirit involvement. I started at CSUSM my freshman year and have loved it ever since! I decided to take a semester abroad, so this past Fall 09, I studied in Preston England at the University of Central Lancashire. This was the most amazing experience I have ever had and would recommend studying abroad to everyone in search for adventure!
Growing up with AOL instant messenger and pocket computer toys, "Giga-pets", technology has always been a part of my life. Over the years I have created a myspace and facebook account which allows me to communicate with friends and family. I am very dependent on my PC laptop and cell phone because the thought of being disconnected from my social network scares me! I am proficient in many computer programs and can navigate my way through the Internet. No to mention, my Directv. Without the skill of knowing how to record TV shows, I would never get to watch my favorite shows in my hectic schedule.
As a future teacher, the mission statement of the CSUSM/COE, represents everything I believe in, and everything a teacher should. The promise to "transform public education
by preparing thoughtful educators and advancing professional practices" give me the motivation to strive for excellence and become as best prepared as I can be. The mission statement also strives for diversity, social justice, and educational equality. Having past experience as dance instructor, I understand the diverse spectrum of students and how equality and individual attention is necessary to the success of a student. Technology is a new and innovative way to communicate and connect the instructor and student community.


  1. Hi Maria,
    that is pretty neat you've gone to England to study, I would love to try that some day.
    I totally remember growing up with a "nano" so I know what you mean about the gigapet, look what future holds for us teachers and our future students... lol

  2. Hey Maria! We have a lot in common. I transferred schools half way through high school too! I am right there with you about school spirit. I was cheering my heart out every football game and I danced for my school too. I have no idea where I'd be without myspace or aim while I was growing up (:

  3. Direct TV.. the single greatest development in television. There's so many shows out there I want to watch, and I'd never manage without it.

  4. Hi Maria!
    I find it so interesting that you studied abroad! That is something I wish to do in the near future. I could only imagine what a life changing experience it brought to you. I thought it was funny about bringing up the "giga-pets"! I remember those lol I collected them. Too funny! lol

  5. I had forgotten about the AOL Instant Messaging days. I guess we have moved mostly to texting on our phones? Sometimes, when I log on to social networking sites, I get IMs from former students of mine from overseas. Very fun!

  6. I totally had a giga pet too!! It stressed me out when I would accidentally leave it somewhere for an hour and it would almost die!
    I think that is so awesome you studied abroad...I want to try to go next semester!

  7. I stress out when ever I am disconnected from my social network lol

    I think its cool that you have gotten to travel so much growing up. Traveling always gives us a better perception of how other people are living, which in turn impacts are perspectives on people in general. I think thats going to really help you when you become a teacher! :)
